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Feel Safe and Secure – Use Encryption
Posted on December 7, 2014
My motivation for writing this missive is simply to persuade my friends, clients and colleagues that encryption is not just the domain of nerds and geeks, it is a bit of technology that anyone can use with ease. Let’s admit it if I can do it, so can anyone else. We have been using, or more precisely have installed the ability to, encrypt all our electronic communication. Yet I am astounded by the low take up of this easily installable and usable technology by people who communicate with us, sometimes information that is confidential and sensitive. Encryption is the safest way to secure your privacy but for it to work requires the co-operation of the person you are communicating with so they can decrypt your communication safely. Read More
Pensioners and HMRC Red Tape Burden
Posted on July 16, 2012
Recently I signed up a client, on a pro bona basis, to see if I can help him with a small problem. He receives a state pension and another pension from his ex-employer’s pension scheme. He earns a bit of interest on some savings and that’s the sum total of his income. Yet, he is required to fill out a tax return called the Self Assessment Return every year. Understandably, at his age he finds all this form filling rather tedious and burdensome. So he came to me to see if I can find a way of getting him out of this form filling business. Sadly no. Read more
Dough Casey on the coming Eurocrash
Posted on June 28, 2012
“Well, there really is almost no place you can run, no one place where it’s reasonably safe to be a citizen these days. We’re heading toward a time like in the book, Atlas Shrugged, when the productive people in society are just going to stop producing. Why should anyone work hard to create value when a substantial portion of that value will get diverted into fighting off regulators and other government goons, only to have half of what you do make seized to pay for those very same thugs?”